Monday, December 18, 2006

Not that well

After the night swim on Thursday, I became sick with flu, sore throat. No training on Friday, Saturday.
I also have another "health problem" which may require minor surgery.

I woke up felt reasonable so drove to Orang Asli.
Huge crowd; PCC, Geoff Powerman and group, Cheah (TRIAM President n Group), Chew & Sam, Albert and Orang Asli Mat, many others too.

In total I only did about 2 hrs and 5 min. The climb to Genting Sempah was my"usual" time, so I was not that sick then. But I didn't push it, just a few laps down to McDonald and back to Orang Asli. We need to spend time with our loved ones too.


Anonymous said...

MSI, wat happened to u? hope the weather changes lately dont stop u from ur ironman training.. take care..

sofiantriathlete said...

Happy u commented. I lost ur blog address due to new computer. Now got it back.
Sudah tua lah