Monday, July 31, 2006

Joo Ngan's birthday

The good part
Saturday was Joo Ngan's 60th birthday do at Dr Tan's house.
Its the kind of gathering I like, lots of cyclists, triathletes, runners around.

There was a few ex national cyclists (Edwin, Ah Seong with TWO kids now, Lee Robert - now CID - don't play play etc), those that took part in the recent 100km charity run (simple certificate presentation ceremony), cycling group (Jerry, Andy, Chew, Ah Tuck, Dr Hon), Triathletes (Simon, Jap Sam), Doha bound athletes (Gillian) and so on.

Special mention for the "first night out" for Simon's miracle twins. Simon and Shirpla are so happy, they are indeed miracle twins. To top it up Simon came in second on Sunday MMDS, just two mins behind Razani - awesome.

Thank you Dr Tan and Jenny for hosting again.

Thank you

The bad part

I could't get up on Sunday, not enough sleep

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