Tuesday, June 26, 2007


The race site. Four Seasons Coconut Grove

Cocktail reception venue. Your accomodation if you are well heeled

The dog at all main entrances to Four Seasons. The bombs exploded about 200m away

Fishing village near our hotel

Locals going to a ceremony

Well I was the only Malaysian there. 3 hrs 3 mins almost last as usual.

http://balitriathlon.com/ for race web-site, results and pictures.

The third male overall was in my age group (45-49). The third woman overall is in the 55-59 age group. The second woman overall is amply built. One woman overtook me pushing her baby trolley.

The race was held at the swank Four Seasons (but Laguna Phuket is even more swankier). A genuine "bike blessing" unique to this event. A cocktail reception. A genuine silver pin for all finishers. Free Adidas goodies. Free carbo loading and after event lunch. Customised goodie bag. A few hundred policemen on duty and another few hundred volunteers.

The down side: had to pay for bike mechanic, bike rack was first come first served. No shower after swim. Congested transition area.

Sea looks beautiful doesn't it?

The top three men. Third man is in the 45-49 age agroup

Bali is a beautiful place. It won't be a mistake to do the race.

Swim water is cold and muddy actually. Bike course is well marshalled. Run is thru nearby town and village.

we spent a fortune in taxi fare to eat this Ibu's food again



ooo la la... spectacular!! i'm sure, u & salina really had a good time.. did u try the bungee @ bali this time??

sofiantriathlete said...

Got bungee at Bali?

We didn't do much because of the race. She did the 5k run, which was an Ironman for a non athlete.

Going to Jeddah tmw for two weeks